We the People Need to Choose Wisely

A short time back Nancy Pelosi stated; “See this bottle of water, I could put a (D) on it and win an election in certain districts”. The interviewer did not raise any questions to this statement, and neither did anyone else. 

I was shocked by that statement, and her bold arrogance in front of the American public. The arrogance states that voters will do as they’re told. Whoever follows this type of thinking has surrendered their identity to the side they chose. 

Just as a bottle of water cannot help with any of the country’s ongoing issues, neither will that elected official. Parties today are no longer interested in helping the country, in fact they instigate classes of people against one another. 

In the 70’s racial tensions were very low, now over the last ten years they have been reignited. This was done purposefully as each party fuels racial tensions in their efforts to gain total power. The democrats claim that if Trump is re-elected he will try to seize total power over our country. However, usually the one that makes that type of claim is guilty of the same. Look at what’s going on in Virginia after the democrats gained full control. It gives us pause as to their plans for this country of ours; remember it is our country. 

When we follow the process of taking sides, over time, we will surrender our identities to that group, and you will find yourself voting for a bottle of water. Over time our voices will no longer be heard, and our opinions will no longer matter. At that point of the process, We the People will no longer be able to vote anyone out of office. 

Sadly, Revelation says that this will happen to our country at some point.  As we give up our identities from God and His council, we will then identify with human agents of evil and accept their council. This is becoming our fiat today, and all that God said would happen, is happening. As the world becomes more corrupt the process will grow even bigger. And the lies become our hope of a better life.

Wisdom tells us the only side to take is God’s side. A closing thought, many going into politics start with a moderate lifestyle, yet almost overnight it changes; and in a short time they become very wealthy. But for We the People nothing changes, and still we continue to believe their lies. Therefore, we truly are fools, for we chose a human side over God. Human wisdom leads to death, where as God’s side leads to eternal life. Choose wisely, it may be your last choice.

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